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Cutting-Edge Grammar (and Punctuation)

Cutting edge = new + useful.

Latest = Lowkey emotions. (January, 2019) See below.


I'm lowkey kinda pissed.

There's a lot to talk about there, but I am concerned with the use of lowkey to modify emotions. The idea, roughly, is that I could have strong or weak anger, but saying I have lowkey anger would mean something slightly different.

Perhaps that I am not that riled up by my anger, or not as emotionally attached, or perhaps that I have no desire for retaliation. . Or maybe it means that she can easily forget about her anger if she wanted.

It words for lowkey happiness or I guess lowkey anything.

Note: "Low key" presumably means more than the two words separately. If there's a metaphor here, I don't know what it is. And scientists would probably call that a a single grapheme. So it in a way lowkey, as a single word, probably makes more sense. (I like it.)

Grammatically, I think lowkey is an adjective. So it's not clear how it could modify angry, which is either a verb or an adjective. So that's an oddity I don't understand.

The value of this is that we have a new way of expressing emotions that we couldn't express before. Which is to say, we could have said that a character was angry, but not too attached to that anger. But that's a bit much. Now we can just describe the character as having lowkey anger.

Jan 27th, 2019. "lowkeky anger" gets about 80 hits on Google; "low key anger" gets xx. "lowkey pissed gets xx; "lowkey happy" gets xx and low key happy gets xx. So the word is used, and it's in our culture, but it has a very small beachhead. It is as if was used once in a TV show or movie.

That quote is, according to PalmerReports, from Jillian Turner.

But it's easily understood and useful. The ease in understanding makes it safe for anyone to use; the usefulness will probably cause it to catch on.


More to come. I will add them as I find them.

You are welcome to contact me to suggest new things, argue with me, etc.

Emma Sohan